February 19, 2025

Pinoy Health Guide

Health Tips

Top 3 Home Remedies

2 min read

Home remedies for diabetes have been the subject of much debate since the seventies. The public perception is that home remedies are old wives tales or hocus pocus and no medical practitioner would give credence to them. It must be borne in mind that the majority of people who develop these conditions had previously been on prescription medication. This does not mean that home remedies are ineffective. In fact, many of those who suffer from diabetes have turned to home remedies. The public is therefore rightfully cautious about adopting home remedies.

The medical profession has been slow to accept home remedies as a legitimate treatment alternative. Regarding medical research, a very large volume of published data exists, but most current medical research is scarce concerning home remedies. One study showed that only 20% of patients who consulted an herbalist about symptom management were satisfied with the results. Public opinion surveys available to date within Germany reveal that roughly 50% of the general population uses home remedies as part of their medicinal regime, but only one survey indicated that a majority of patients actually want to be advised by their doctor on the regular use of home remedies. A further survey showed that only a minority of patients were actually using home remedies to manage minor health complaints such as sore throats, coughs and colds. This was attributed to the lack of evidence in support of home remedies for these types of symptoms.

There is evidence to support the use of home remedies in dealing with some minor health complaints, but it is believed that they have very limited effect when used in dealing with more serious health problems. For example, did you ever notice that when you read the instructions for using your favorite cooking ingredient, the manufacturer recommends putting the substance into a crock pot instead of a regular saucepan? Most people do not think to follow the instructions to the letter. When you use home remedies to treat your sore throats and coughs, the body produces immunity antibodies to fight off the foreign substance from coming back to your throat. However, if you use the same cooking agent or the same medication you bought from the local supermarket, you are likely to have a problem with the same virus coming back again. Home remedies can therefore never replace drugs and medicine, but can work in conjunction with them.

A common example of this is chicken soup. Home remed

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