Natural Remedies For Digestive Issues – A Review of the Latest Research
3 min read
Bloating, gas, heartburn, diarrhea and constipation are common digestive ailments. If these symptoms are impacting your life, try these natural home remedies to restore a healthier stomach.
Milk may help soothe heartburn by neutralizing stomach acidity; however, Rogers recommends opting for lower fat varieties as full-fat varieties may bloat your tummy and worsen symptoms.
Ginger (Zingiber officinale Roscoe, Zingiberaceae) is one of the world’s most widely consumed dietary condiments and has been shown to possess numerous health-promoting properties. Oleoresin gingerol and the phenolic acids shagaol and 6-gingerol may be responsible for many of these beneficial effects on human bodies.
Participants were randomly assigned to consume either 1.2 grams per day of ginger capsules or microcrystalline cellulose placebo for one week following a run-in period, after which either group experienced significant increases in relative Actinobacteria abundance (U = 145.0; Z = -2.1; P = 0.033). The ginger group saw significantly greater relative abundance increases (U= 145.0; Z=-2.1; P=0.033).
Inflammation, indigestion and digestive discomfort are issues clients often struggle with daily. From bloating, excess gas production or changes in appetite to heartburn or changes in appetite; knowing how to recognize and address symptoms like these is crucial for providing your client with relief. Therefore it is wise to provide natural remedies like ginger as an alternative solution when providing relief for digestion discomfort.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar is produced when any alcoholic beverage ferments, breaking down alcohol into acetic acid and giving it its characteristic tart and sour taste. Furthermore, this substance also acts as an effective natural preservative by inhibiting bacteria that spoil food products.
Studies conducted to date demonstrate that vinegar can help bring down blood sugar levels in those living with type 2 diabetes and also improve their insulin sensitivity while decreasing their triglyceride levels.
Vinegar can also help increase digestive enzyme production and alleviate bloating, though its acidity could potentially irritate throats or strip tooth enamel if consumed undiluted with water. For optimal use, consume it diluted in water when taking this supplement.
Though vinegar offers many health advantages, it’s essential that pregnant and breastfeeding women seek advice from a medical provider before beginning to consume it regularly. Vinegar may interact with diuretics and insulin medications; its acidity could worsen gastroparesis – an illness in which the stomach cannot empty itself properly – further compounding its benefits. Furthermore, pregnant and breastfeeding women should refrain from consuming vinegar altogether.
Peppermint contains menthol, an antispasmodic agent which can reduce digestive pain. Peppermint can be taken in supplement or inhaler form for additional convenience and may help treat symptoms such as abdominal cramps, bloating, diarrhea, constipation and more.
Studies conducted on peppermint oil indicate that its menthol may help inhibit contractions of gastrointestinal smooth muscle through its ability to inhibit TRPM8 channels – calcium release channels within cells – which function as release mechanisms. Furthermore, its presence may stimulate release of acetylcholine, another antispasmodic nerve agent.
Clinical trials involving enteric coated peppermint oil capsules in IBS have demonstrated their efficacy at alleviating pain and other symptoms compared with placebo, though further investigation of specific subtypes of IBS will need to be completed in order to ascertain its full effectiveness. A double-blind trial involving the combination of menthol and caraway has yielded promising results in relieving functional dyspepsia symptoms such as bloating, pain, sensation of pressure fullness or heaviness of abdominal fullness/heaviness or fullness/heaviness of abdomen.
Slippery Elm
Slippery Elm (Ulmus rubra) plant inner bark can be an effective natural remedy to alleviate throat irritation, digestive discomfort, and other ailments. Mucilage found within its cells provides soothing protection to throat, stomach and intestines to ease symptoms such as heartburn or acid reflux.
Recent research indicates that slippery elm may help treat symptoms associated with leaky gut syndrome by stimulating production of mucus that helps seal off the digestive tract and reduce inflammation.
Slippery elm also boasts antioxidants that can aid in improving gut health, as well as anti-inflammatory properties that may ease symptoms associated with inflammatory bowel disease.
Herbal remedies like calendula can be taken in various forms: tea, capsules or applied topically as poultice for wounds and skin conditions. Most people can safely use calendula, though it’s wise to consult a healthcare professional prior to trying any herbal remedy as some can interact with medications and increase side effects of some medical conditions.