Lean Meats For Weight Loss – A Guide to Healthy Protein Sources
3 min read
Lean meats contain lots of protein while being relatively low in fat and calories, providing you with essential nutrition for weight loss and helping keep you feeling satisfied throughout the day.
Protein-rich foods, like skinless chicken, turkey, fish and tofu are packed with essential minerals like iron, calcium and selenium; plus they’re an excellent source of vitamins and minerals!
1. Beef
Select lean meats like round, arm and chuck roasts, sirloin steak and ground beef that is at least 90% fat-free to help meet experts’ recommendations for limiting saturated fat intake. When possible, opt for organic or grass-fed products.
Poultry such as skinless chicken and turkey offers another protein-rich source in your diet, with dishes like grilled chicken breast with roasted vegetables or turkey chili being tasty ways to incorporate poultry.
Make nutritious meals using fish, pork and beans. Aim to include three ounces of lean meat every day — roughly equivalent to the size of a deck of cards — in your meal plan and switch out high-fat luncheon meats like pork loin or roast beef for lower-fat alternatives such as low-fat roast beef or ham; you could even opt for pork tenderloin which has even lower levels of saturated fat than beef!
2. Chicken
Chicken is an abundance of protein-packed goodness and versatile protein source, ideal for use in many different recipes. Roasting, glazing or marinating the poultry adds extra flavor and nutrition while soups and stews benefit from having this ingredient added for additional taste and nutrition.
Comparative to red meat, poultry boasts lower total and saturated fat contents. A three-ounce serving of skinless chicken breast provides 160 calories, 36 g of protein, and 2.5 g of total fat content.
Chicken and turkey offer an ideal alternative for those avoiding red meat for health reasons, offering sufficient amounts of protein with only around 11 grams of fat in one 4-ounce serving – as well as providing essential B vitamins and iron! Plus it cooks quickly while being delicious when combined with vegetables or whole grains!
3. Turkey
If you love meat but are having difficulty losing weight, switching from red or processed to lean turkey, chicken, or fish meats may be an easy and delicious way to increase protein consumption while decreasing calories. Plus these types of protein provide essential nutrients like iron, niacin, and vitamin A!
When purchasing poultry, opt for skinless varieties and trim any excess fat before cooking. Turkey has lower saturated fat than pork and beef, making it an optimal option. Skinless deli meats may provide convenient protein sources while being low in fat – though sodium levels should still be taken into consideration as these meats should only be consumed occasionally. Pork tenderloin provides approximately 20 g of protein in every 4 oz serving.
4. Canned Tuna
Canned tuna is an abundant source of protein and heart-healthy fats, vitamin D and selenium – ideal ingredients to include in any salad recipe! Enjoy its versatility by simply snacking directly out of the can or topping sprouted crackers with it for an enjoyable bite-size snack or meal.
According to Cleveland Clinic, one 3-oz serving of salmon or canned tuna contains 1 gram of omega-3 fatty acids which have been associated with decreased inflammation, enhanced brain function and lower risk of heart disease.
When purchasing lean meats, it’s essential to choose cuts without skin on poultry, beef with less fat content, and fish that contain low levels of saturated fats. Opting for healthier cooking methods such as baking, roasting or grilling can also help decrease its saturated fat content compared with frying or adding high-fat sauces into meals.
5. Lean Ground Turkey
Ground turkey is an increasingly popular alternative to standard ground beef, being leaner and lower in saturated fat content than its beef counterpart. Although ground turkey may dry out when used alone as a burger alternative, it holds up well in other applications, like these low-calorie turkey quesadillas.
Ground turkey’s nutritional composition depends on which cut is chosen; certain parts contain dark meat such as thighs and legs which have more calories and fat content than light meat; processed cuts such as deli meats may also contain additional sodium as they’re preserved with added nitrates.
Choose 85% lean ground turkey to add nutritional benefits to your recipes. Produced from turkey raised on independent farms without antibiotics, added hormones or steroids for growth promotion, this delicious and nutritive ingredient adds healthy twists to classic dishes you already love!